Good Corporate Governance

Good Corporate Governance Principles

The Company's initiative and strong will drives its dedication to GCG's universal principles, namely transparency, responsibility, accountability, independence and fairness to guide the entire business operations. Each of the universal principles is practiced through the following procedures.


Principal of transparency was fullfled when the company provided the disclosure of material information including information about fnancial performance of the company to the authority, as well as in the decision or policy making process.


Clearly identifed functions and responsibilities among each department and division, plus strict adherence to employee code of conduct, fulfll the principle of accountability. All employees, who are fully aware of their respective roles and duties within the Company, practice a deep sense of accountability in their decisions and corresponding actions.


The Company recognizes its responsibility in complying with all applicable laws and regulations in the country. The Board of Commissioners and Directors directly see to it that the management operates according to existing procedures and policies.


The qualities of objectivity and professionalism are top of mind factors in the decision-making process and management of the Company. As such, any confict of interest is avoided in the pursuit of effective and effcient management and operations.


The principle of fairness ensures a just and impartial treatment to every stakeholder and shareholder. It also takes into account the common interest and greater good of the entire Company.